Nov 27, 2022    Jeff Willis

Title: “IF”

Text: Romans 8:31-39

I.     God in All Things

II.    God is for  ____________ (your name)

III.   Nothing Can Separate Us

1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

2. How has today’s text motivated you to holiness and Christ-likeness?

3.  In looking at this passage, what do you find yourself wrestling with the most in believing that God is faithful and working for your good?

4.  Ask God, “What am I believing about myself that You do not believe about me?” Are you willing to surrender this to Him now?

5.  How does this truth that nothing can separate you from God’s love bring you peace, comfort and encouragement today?

6. What are some “IF-knots” in your life that you need to confess and release to God?

7.   Pray and thank God for fighting for and with you and working ALL things for your good and to His glory.  In Christ, we are more than conquerors!