From Ruin To Reign: Great Grace

May 29, 2022    Jeff Willis

The Ruin of Man (vv.12-14)
The Rescue In Christ (vv.15-19)
The Reigning Result (vv.20-21)

Questions for study and reflection:
1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
2. Go back through all of Chapter 5 and list out the times that something was compared and found to be “much more” than what had come previously. What does this indicate about God’s work in the world?
3. Compare and contrast how Jesus is like Adam? How is He different?
4. Jesus is the obedient man in Romans 5:19. Why does “the one man’s obedience” matter to us? (Hint: this IS the Gospel)
5. How can you use Romans 5:12–21 to encourage or challenge someone struggling in their faith or relationship with Christ?
6. In what ways does this passage encourage you? In what areas of your life does it convict you?
7. Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what one thing is most important for you to remember and apply as you live sent this week?