Gospel-Centered Generosity | Generous Worship

Jan 1, 2023    Sam Olson

Generous Worship

I. Generosity Received (v. 10-14)

II. Generosity Extended (v. 15-17)


Questions for Personal and Group Discussion:

How did the Holy Spirit speak to you on Sunday morning?

Was there a conversation you had or a song or verse or quote that you needed?

What has caused you to respond like King David to the generosity of God in your life? 

Is there a specific attribute of God’s generosity from verses 11 and 12 that strikes you in this season of your life? Why?

In what ways would you consider yourself generous, for better or worse? 

God has created us with limits. In order to be generous this week, what might you need to say no to? 

How would you describe to someone that God shows his generosity most clearly through Jesus?